1). Download DC unlocker ( DCCRAP.rar )
2). Extract it to a folder ( both .exe and .dll )
3). Plug your MF100 modem with an unaccepted SIM
4). Run dccrap.exe then this window appear
5). In Select manufacturer, choose ZTE datacards and Select model, choose Auto
6). Press on the Loop(detect card) to detect your modem card
(This will be seen if your modem MF100 is already unlocked or an accepted operator SIM is inserted)
7). To proceed to unlock your MF100, In SIM Lock status must show locked.
8). Click on Unlocking then Press Unlock. ( Your modem MF100 is now unlocked)
9). Create new profile for you network provider (Using APN and User name and password), try to connect to the internet now.
Genial!! por fin pude desbloquear mi modem zte!! Muchas Gracias !! :)
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Working fine Brother.Thank you Very much....